Colon and rectal cancer are the second most common cause of cancer death in the United States. Colon and rectal surgeons are specially trained to assess and remove these tumors and assist in a full functional recovery. We work alongside medical and radiation oncology specialists to ensure our patients have access to the best comprehensive cancer care available.
Hemorrhoids and other anorectal conditions
Colorectal surgery specialists have expertise in managing anal conditions that can cause pain, itching and bleeding. Anal fissures, fistulas, abscesses hemorrhoids, pruritus, and pilonidal disease are among the diseases that can be evaluated in the office. Many conditions can be treated with minimal downtime.
Colorectal surgeons are trained to do colonoscopy to evaluate conditions of the intestine. They perform routine cancer screenings, remove growths, and perform biopsies.
Minimally invasive surgeries
Many colorectal procedures can be managed using minimally invasive techniques including laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery, using the latest generation da Vinci robotic surgical systems, and transanal endoscopic microsurgery.
Inflammatory bowel disease
Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, ulcerative proctitis, and indeterminate colitis are often managed in conjunction with our team in medical gastroenterology. Patients are often treated with a combination of medical and surgical options.
Diverticulitis and diverticulosis
Colon and rectal surgeons are experts in evaluating and managing the spectrum of diverticular disease. Treatments range from medications, colonoscopy, diet and lifestyle management to elective and emergent surgery for complicated diverticular disease. Abscesses, fistulas, and bowel perforations as well as obstructive symptoms can all be managed.
Pelvic floor
Rectal prolapse, rectocele, obstructed evacuation, and incontinence are all conditions that can affect the pelvic floor and bowel emptying. These conditions can be improved with surgery and are often managed jointly with pelvic floor physical therapists and colleagues in urogynecology.
HPV disease and anal cancer
Precancerous lesions of the anus, anal cancers, and anal warts are related to the human papilloma virus family. Colorectal surgeons have experience in evaluating and treating these lesions as well as surveillance after treatment.
Rectal incontinence
Rectal incontinence or leakage of gas or stool is a complex problem with profound effects on quality of life. Evaluation may include x-ray or MR evaluation, nerve testing, endoscopy, and office examination. Treatments include abdominal or pelvic surgery, implantation of sacral nerve stimulation, and muscular reconstruction.

Carol J. Cornejo, MD

Helen H. Kim, MD

Justin P. Olsen, MD
Proliance Eastside Surgical Specialists
1231 116th Ave NE Suite 930
Bellevue, WA 98004-3804
Proliance Surgical Specialists of Edmonds
7320 216th Street SW Suite 20
Edmonds, WA 98026-7610